Consumer Information


EADA - Equity in Athletics Disclosure Act

College of the Ozarks is required by the United States Department of Education to collect information and provide to Congress a report on financial and statistical information on men’s and women’s collegiate sports. You can link to the annual report, The Report on Athletic Program Participation Rates and Financial Support Data here.

The Equity in Athletics Disclosure Act is designed to make current and prospective students aware of the school’s commitment to providing equitable athletic opportunities for its men and women students. The Department of Education has provided a web site http://ope.ed.gov/athletics/. This site provides data from thousands of colleges and universities, including College of the Ozarks, in a convenient searchable form.

 Contacts for Consumer Information

The following college officials may be contacted to assist enrolled or prospective students with the following:

Financial Assistance Information:

Jeffery Ford, Director of Financial Aid,

McDonald Administration Building,


Institutional Information:

Dr. Eric Bolger, Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of the College,

McDonald Administration Building,


Completion or Graduation Rates:

Lacey Evans Mattheis, Registrar and Director of Institutional Research,

McDonald Administration Building,


Security Policies and Crime Statistics:

Dr. Nick Sharp, Dean of Work Education,

McDonald Administration Building,



It's important to be aware of our rights and responsibilities with regard to the copyright laws. Unauthorized distribution of copyrighted material, including unauthorized peer-to-peer file sharing, may subject you to civil and criminal liabilities. Below are some general guidelines and links to some good copyright websites.

Copyright protects original forms of expression. This may be printed as in a book or it may be a video, work of art, music, or software. All items are protected as soon as they are in tangible form; they do not have to be published, registered or include the copyright symbol to enjoy full protection under the law. A good rule of thumb is to assume that everything is copyrighted. The Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998 gives items copyright protection for the life of the author plus 70 years for individuals or for 95 years in the case of a corporate author.

Rights granted exclusively to a copyright holder are:

  • reproduction of all or part of a work,
  • distribution of copies,
  • preparation of derivative works,
  • performance and display of works.

Under the "Fair Use" exemption, educators are permitted to make limited use of copyrighted works for teaching, scholarship, or research. When deciding whether a use is a fair use, consider the following factors:

  • the purpose and character of the use, including whether such use is of a commercial nature or is for non-profit educational purposes
  • the nature of the copyrighted work
  • the amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the work as a whole
  • the effect of the use upon the potential market for or value of the work

Multiple copying for classroom use has some specific guidelines. The number of copies cannot exceed the number of students in the class and copies must include the copyright notice present in the original. Use of these materials must also meet tests of brevity, spontaneity, and cumulative effect. Brevity sets limits on the amount of material that can be used. Generally, a maximum of 10% is allowed. Spontaneity means that the decision to use the material and the time it is needed are so close together that it is unreasonable to expect a timely reply when asking for permission. If there is time, write the copyright owner for permission. Cumulative effect limits an instructor to no more than 9 instances of multiple copying in a term. Copies cannot be used as substitutes for anthologies or be substituted for purchase. If students are charged for copies, they can only be charged for the actual cost of copying.

Forms of media other than books and journals are subject to the same restrictions. Users must consider the factors determining fair use and must follow the brevity, spontaneity, and cumulative effect guidelines. This includes video, audio, and Internet materials.

For further information, visit these websites:

U.S Copyright Office

Federal Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998

Copyright Clearance Center

Crash Course in Copyright

Copyright Designated Agent

The Designated Agent to respond to reports alleging copyright infringements on any College of the Ozarks web site, in accordance with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, is:

Dr. Weston T. Wiebe  
College of the Ozarks  
P. O. Box 17  
Point Lookout, MO 65726

Email: wwiebe@cofo.edu  
Phone: (417)334-6411  
Fax: (417)332-0040

 The Digital Millennium Copyright Act specifies that all infringement claims must be in writing (either electronic mail or paper letter) and must include the following:

  1. a physical or electronic signature,
  2. identification of the infringed work,
  3. identification of the infringed material,
  4. contact information for the complainant, e.g. address, telephone number, electronic mail address,
  5. a statement that the complainant has a good faith belief that use of the material in the manner complained of is not authorized by the copyright owner or the law, and
  6. a statement that the information contained in the notification is accurate, and under penalty of perjury, that the complainant is authorized to act on behalf of the copyright owner.


College of the Ozarks®, The School of the Ozarks®, CitizenTrip®, The Keeter Center®, and Hard Work U® are trademarks of College of the Ozarks. All rights reserved. These and other graphics and logos created by the college may not be used without prior written consent from College of the Ozarks.

Students with Disabilities - Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA)

College of the Ozarks is committed to providing equal access to educational opportunities to a qualified student with physical or mental disabilities as intended by section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.

Section 504 states that "no qualified individual with a disability in the United States shall be excluded from, denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under" any program or activity that either receives Federal financial assistance or is conducted by any Executive agency or the United States Postal Service.

Agencies that provide Federal financial assistance also have section 504 regulations covering entities that receive Federal aid. Requirements common to these regulations include reasonable accommodation for employees with disabilities; program accessibility; effective communication with people who have hearing or vision disabilities; and accessible new construction and alterations.

A disability is defined by the ADA as a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities, a person who has a history or record of such an impairment, or a person who is perceived by others as having such an impairment.

Students interested in accommodations should contact the Coordinator of Student Support Services in the Dean of the College Office at accommodations@cofo.edu or 417-690-2396.

Upon submission of the appropriate documentation, the staff in the dean’s office will work with the student and coordinate with the Dean of Work, Dean of Students, and the Clinic to determine reasonable accommodations.

Students are responsible for providing documentation. Documentation must be prepared by a credentialed professional, and the assessment conducted when the student was 16 years of age or older. Assessment information must include:

  • A diagnostic statement identifying a disability
  • Assessment information: interview, intellectual testing, academic achievement levels, etc.
  • Clinical summary indicating substantial limitations to learning or other major life activities
  • Description of past accommodations
  • Recommendations and rationale for accommodations

Granted accommodations are not effective retroactively. They will not cover academic activities assigned or completed before the student asked for and received accommodations.

Examples of commonly requested academic accommodations include:

  • Preferential seating
  • Alternative testing format, location, legnth of time for quizzes and exams
  • Alternative format of textbooks
  • Alternative methods of notetaking
  • Use of Assistive Technology

Examples of commonly requested housing accommodations include:

  • Lower bunk
  • Ground level housing

Work accommodations are based on the primary duties and responsibilities of the assigned workstation.


All students are encouraged take advantage of programs offered to support academic success. The following learning resources are offered:

Career Center 
Computer Science Lab 
The Counseling Center 
Engineering Tutoring 
Foreign Language Lab 
Lyons Memorial Library 
Mathematics Assistance Center 
The Writing Center 


Drug-Free College

The College of the Ozarks complies with the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 and the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act of 1989.


Statement of Zero Tolerance Policy

In order to promote its fundamental mission, a student at the College agrees to follow the College’s Zero Tolerance Policy which prohibits the illegal sale, use, purchase, possession, distribution, manufacture, or dispensation of drugs, controlled substances, or drug paraphernalia and prohibits the sale, use, purchase, possession, distribution, manufacture, or dispensation of alcohol by any student, regardless of age. These prohibitions apply to actions both on and off College property or at any College sanctioned event.

Violation of the Zero Tolerance Policy will be considered a major violation of Disciplinary Procedures which may lead to dismissal. The display of any advertising for illegal drugs, illegal controlled substances, drug paraphernalia, or alcoholic beverages, including containers, is not allowed at the College. This includes, but is not limited to clothing, signs, lamps, posters, and vehicles on campus.

Local, state and federal laws prohibit the illegal sale, use, purchase, possession, distribution, manufacture, or dispensation of drugs, controlled substances, or alcohol. Criminal penalties for violating these laws range from fines to imprisonment for terms up to and including life in prison. In addition to any punishment imposed by the College, any student suspected of violating any federal, state, or local law proscribing the sale, use, purchase, possession, distribution, manufacture, or dispensation of drugs, controlled substances, or alcohol will be referred to the appropriate law enforcement agency.

The College’s campus is located in a state where the sale, use, purchase, possession, distribution, manufacture, or dispensation of cannabis (marijuana) has been decriminalized by state law when used for medical purposes with a valid physician’s certification. However, cannabis remains a controlled substance whose sale, use, purchase, possession, distribution, manufacture, or dispensation is prohibited by and illegal under the federal Controlled Substances Act. Therefore, students at the College remain subject to Disciplinary Procedures under the Zero Tolerance Policy for the sale, use, purchase, possession, distribution, manufacture, or dispensation of cannabis, even with a physician’s certification. 

Drug Testing Policy

The College reserves the right to require a drug test from a student or employee where there is a reasonable suspicion that the College’s drug free policy has been violated. Failure to submit to a drug test is a major violation of the disciplinary rules and will result in suspension or expulsion.

Legal Sanctions for Use, Possession, or Distribution of Illicit or Illegal Drugs and Alcohol

Missouri laws prohibit persons under 21 years of age from purchasing, attempting to purchase, or possessing alcoholic beverages (RSMo. 311.325). Anyone who sells or gives any alcoholic beverages to persons under 21 years of age violates RSM. 311.310. It is unlawful to obtain or attempt to obtain alcoholic beverages by using a fake or fraudulent identification (RSM. 311.328(3). Anyone convicted of using fraudulent identification for purposes of purchasing or in anyway receiving intoxicating liquor is in violation of RSM. 311.320. Penalties for these violations include fines of up to $1,000 and one year imprisonment. Conviction of any offenses involving the possession or use of a controlled substance; the alteration, modification, or misrepresentation of a license to operate a motor vehicle; or the possession or use of any alcohol while operating a motor vehicle will require the surrender of a driver’s license for a minimum 90 days to a maximum of one year.

Local, state, and federal laws provide specific penalties for drug and narcotic offenses. Chapter 195.211 of the Missouri Revised statutes makes it unlawful for any person to manufacture, sell, or deliver or possess with the intent to manufacture, sell, or deliver those drugs designated collectively as controlled substances. The punishment includes a term of imprisonment as well as a substantial fine.

Federal law makes it unlawful for any person to manufacture, distribute, create, or dispense or to possess with the intent to manufacture, distribute, or dispense controlled substances. Title 21 of United States Code (http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/21/841.html) provides terms of imprisonment and fines for violations of this Act. The nature of the offense and whether the person has committed any previous unlawful acts under the statute will determine the term of imprisonment as well as the amount of any fine.  

Health Risks Associated with the Use of Illicit or Illegal Drugs or Alcohol

Medical studies indicate that users of illicit or illegal drugs or alcohol can suffer from a wide range of medical and psychological problems. Those problems can be as mild as depression or as severe as permanent brain damage, or death. At the very least, use of these substances can impair one’s ability to learn and function in society. This promotes poor application to academics as shown by poor study habits, lack of concentration, and loss of self esteem. Additional information on the health risks associated with the use of alcohol and illicit or illegal drugs is available through the campus clinic, the Dean of Student’s Office or online through the Higher Education Center for Alcohol and Other Drug Prevention (http://www.edc.org).

Resources Available to Students Regarding Alcohol and Illicit or Illegal Drugs

The College’s Zero Tolerance Policy is discussed with applicants at the time they are interviewed for admission. After admission the Policy and the effects of alcohol and drugs are discussed at Character Camp and in various forums and convocations. As required under the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act of 1989 (https://www.congress.gov/bill/101st-congress/house-bill/3614) this policy is distributed annually to students and employees of the college. Students or employees may seek counseling related to alcohol and drugs through the campus Counseling Center. Upon request confidential referrals to outside counselors can also be made.

Financial Aid Information

Net Price Calculator

Textbook Information


Financial Communications

Information regarding any Federal Student Aid awards and related transactions will be communicated to you based on your preference, either online or by hard copy (paper).

Online communications allows the College to send you email or utilize webpages and hyperlinks regarding your financial aid/financial information and allows you to have access to a variety of your information in a timely fashion.

Hard copy communication limits the kind and type of information the College can share electronically with many, even vital communications, to be sent via hard copy (paper) to your home address on file with the College.

You have the option to select either an electronic/mail process OR paper/mail process by updating your preference on the Financial Aid Award Letters Authorization within your Campusweb student portal.

Retention Rates

College of the Ozarks Retention Rates*

Program2023-20242022-20232021-20223 Year Average

* Retention rates for bachelors programs are fall-to-fall based on first-time, full-time status. Rates are reported to the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS).

Graduation Rates

College of the Ozarks Graduation Rates**

Program2018 cohort2017 cohort2016 cohort3 Year Average

** The completion and graduation rates for bachelor degrees are measured at 150% of the expected time for completion (bachelor degree rate is 6 years from the first enrollment). Rates are reported to the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS).


Cohort year 2018 IPEDS (includes all first-time degree-seeking undergraduate students)

Overall Six-Year Graduation Rate
Graduation rate64%
Transfer Rate 
Transfer out rate20%
Six-Year Graduation Rates by Gender (2017 cohort) 
Six-Year Graduation Rates by Race/ethnicity (One or more lines are 0% because of insufficient number of students.) (2017 cohort) 
Nonresident alien100%
American Indian or Alaska Native50%
Black or African American0%
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific IslanderN/A
Two or more races82%
Race and ethnicity unknown56%
Student Right-to-Know Calculations (2023 IPEDS values) 
4 yr average Right-to-Know graduation rate62%
4 yr average Right-to-Know transfer out rate30%

Graduate Outcomes (College of the Ozarks Graduate Survey)

Five-Fold Mission Outcomes2021-2022
Continuing Education  Graduates enrolled in Graduate Schools upon graduation.  19%  
Christian OutcomesGraduates identify as Christian upon graduation.99%  
Cultural Outcomes  Graduates demonstrate an appreciate the fine arts upon graduation.  84%  
Patriotic OutcomesGraduates engage in civil actives upon graduation.  82%  
Vocational OutcomesGraduates successfully are placed in the marketplace upon graduation.  85%  

Culinary Arts Program Outcomes

Culinary Arts Program

Engineering Program Outcomes

Engineering Program

Nursing Program Outcomes

Nursing Program Outcome Data

Teacher Preparation

Each school must provide a report annually to the state and to the general public.  The state must submit to the U.S. Department of Education, and make available to the public, an annual report containing school and state-level information.  The Department makes the state reports available to the public at this link: https://title2.ed.gov/public/home.aspx 

College of the Ozarks - Teach Education Program - Teach Certification

Graduating Year  State Licensure Pass Rate

Professional Licensure Disclosures by State

College of the Ozarks programs are designed to prepare students for professional licensure in the state of Missouri.  All students should be aware the requirements for professional licensure vary between states and can change at any time.  Each state makes the final determination if an individual is eligible to sit for licensure based on the rules and regulations of that state at the time a student applies for licensure.  Based on the College's Student Location policy, notification is sent to students enrolling in a licensure program who are determined to be located in a state where the College of the Ozarks program does not meet the educational requirements or the information is unknown. 

The documents below outline the licensure requirements by state as they apply to the College of the Ozarks program.

Accounting CPA Pathway



Student Location Policy

In order to comply with U.S. Department of Education regulations College of the Ozarks must determine the state in which its students and prospective students are located.  

Prospective Students: College of the Ozarks programs are offered through on-campus seated classes and may not be fully completed through distance education. Prospective students are deemed to be located in Missouri by virtue of their program choice prior to physically relocating to Missouri.   

Students: College of the Ozarks programs are offered through on-campus seated classes and may not be fully completed through distance education. Students are by default located in Missouri.  

Disclosures related to licensure and certification programs will be based on the student's location as described above.   

Consumer Information on College Navigator Website

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act

Refund Policy

Student Handbook

Transfer Credit Policy

Vaccinations Policy

Withdrawal Policy

Student Body Diversity

Fall 2023 Student Body Diversity Information

Male:  44%

Female:  56%

Federal Pell Grant Recipients:  43%

Nonresident Alien:  2%

Hispanic/Latino:  5%

American Indian or Alaska Native: Less than 1%

Asian:  1%

Black or African American:  1%

Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander:  Less than 0%

White:  87%

Two or More Races:  3%

Race and Ethnicity Unknown:  1%

Student Grievance and Due Process

The College of the Ozarks is committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for the campus community.  The College values an engaged environment where students are able to contribute to their overall educational experience by discussing concerns in a professional manner.  Students are welcome to engage the appropriate College officials as necessary to resolve student complaints.  The College will address these student complaints in a timely and appropriate manner.  Students may resolve complaints on an informal level or submit a written grievance.

Informal Resolution Procedure

Students are encouraged to discuss concerns with the appropriate faculty or staff member to resolve matters informally.  Informal resolutions are initiated by the student with the person(s) involved and/or the direct supervisor of the person(s) involved.  Students who are not satisfied with the informal resolution procedure may submit a formal written grievance.

    Academic Issues

    Office of the Academic Dean       
    (417) 690-2396

    Financial Issues

    Business Office       
    (417) 690-2211

    Disciplinary Issues

    Dean of Students Office       
    (417) 690-2224

    Work Education Program Issues

    Work Education Programs Office       
    (417) 690-2373

Written Grievance Procedure

Formal grievance concerns must be in writing and include all the appropriate documentation needed to review the complaint.  Written student grievance complaints should be submitted to the Dean of Students.  Grievance complaints will be reviewed and the student will be contacted within ten (10) business days to verify receipt of the written complaint.  Additional information may be requested by the College official at this time in order to ensure the necessary information is obtained to review the complaint.

The formal grievance process may include a meeting to discuss the student’s concern.  A final determination regarding the student’s grievance will be addressed within thirty (30) days of the submitted receipt of the formal complaint.  The College may provide a written notification of the determination.  The decision made by the Dean of Students or designee is final and not subject to further appeal.  

The grievance policy does not apply to complaints that are addressed by other College policies such as:

Students who wish to report sexual misconduct, discrimination, and/or harassment of any kind should file a complaint with the Dean of Students.  Please refer to the Title IX Policy and Procedures of the Student Handbook.

Accommodation requests involving academics, work station, and/or physical accessibility are outlined under the Students with Disabilities section of the Student Handbook. 

MDHE Complaint Resolution

The state agency under which College of the Ozarks is authorized to operate is the Missouri Department of Higher Education, 205 Jefferson Street, P.O. Box 1469, Jefferson City, MO 65102.  The MDHE Complaint Resolution Process is found online for your review.

Voter Registration/Constitution Day

At College of the Ozarks, our patriotic pillar is to encourage an understanding of American Heritage, civic responsibility, love of country, and willingness to defend it. To that end, we encourage students to vote as a civic responsibility. If you are not registered to vote or have questions regarding the process, please call Patriotic Activities at 417-690-2232. You may also register at any of the following locations on campus:

  • Patriotic Activities Office, McDonald Administration Building
  • Pearl Dinning Hall (during student voter registration drive)

Additional information can be found through the following websites:




Additionally, the College observes Constitution Day each year on September 17 to commemorate the signing of the Constitution on September 17, 1787.

Terms of Use


The data contained in this Website is for information purposes only and is not represented to be error-free. It is not intended to constitute a promise or contract of any kind. Any links to non-college information are provided as a courtesy and do not constitute an endorsement by College of the Ozarks of the linked materials.


College of the Ozarks®, The School of the Ozarks®, CitizenTrip®, The Keeter Center®, and Hard Work U® are trademarks of College of the Ozarks. All rights reserved. These and other cofo.edu graphics and logos may not be used without prior written consent from College of the Ozarks. All other trademarks, product names, and company names and logos appearing on cofo.edu are the property of their respective owners.

Applicable Law

This site is created and controlled by College of the Ozarks in the State of Missouri. As such, the laws of the State of Missouri will govern these disclaimers, terms and conditions, without giving effect to any principles of conflicts of laws. College of the Ozarks reserves the right to make changes to its site and these disclaimers, terms and conditions at any time. The parties agree that a condition of using this site is that any and all claims arising out of use of this site will be tried in the State of Missouri and Missouri law will apply.


College of the Ozarks strives to ensure the privacy and accuracy of your confidential information. The College does not provide or sell any personally identifiable information gathered from its Web server to outside agencies (third parties).

Site activity data is collected throughout the College of the Ozarks Web site and includes information on domains, browser, operating systems, and pages accessed. This information is used only for standard reporting purposes to improve site content and display.

The College of the Ozarks Web site links to a number of external Web sites. The College is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of the external Web sites to which it links.